Application instructions
Instructions for entry submission are as follows:
Good internet browsers to use are Safari, Firefox or Chrome. ArtCall reports that most any browser will work with the submission process.
You may have to register with ArtCall
If you have not previously registered with ArtCall for this or any other exhibition through ArtCall, click on the “Register” button in the upper right-hand corner of the browser window and fill in all of the requested information on the registration page.
As part of your login procedure, ignore the "Create Artist Portfolio Site" dialog box by clicking on the "no thanks" button. Creating a portfolio has nothing to do with the Montgomery Photo Festival call site.
To complete the registration, all users must pay the $25 entry fee. In the Payment Details area enter your payment method. By default the “remember” box is checked. We recommend that you uncheck this box.
When your personal profile information is correct and you have entered a payment method, click on the “Create Account” button.
Click on the “Add New Submissions” button.
Choose the category for your photograph. List the title of your photo. If you do not wish to use a title, list it as “Untitled.” List the dimensions of your framed photo. (NOTE: the maximum physical dimension for framed images is 24 inches on the longest side. If you submit work that is larger than 24 inches on the longest side, it will be rejected.) List the sale price for your photograph The Montgomery Photo Festival and Stonehenge Gallery will charge 40% commission on sales. Click on the "Submit Entry Details" button.
Click on “Add Attachment.” Browse for your photograph or drag and drop it in the window. If your image is correctly sized, the page will show a successful upload, and you can click on “Complete and View Entry." If your image is too big you will not be able to complete the entry process. If your entry process "freezes" on you, check the size of your image. Remember: .jpg format; 72 ppi; minimum length on the longest side, 960 pixels; maximum length on the longest side, 4800 pixels; maximum file size must be under 4 MB. If your image is too small or too large ArtCall will not let you upload it.
You may add two more submissions (photographs). The limit is three submissions.
You will receive email notification of your registration for each of your submissions. Note: If you expect email from us and have not received it, check the spam folder in your email program. You may have to change your email setting so that it recognizes, trusts, and accepts email from ArtCall.
If you registered with ArtCall for any exhibit in the past, you may login using that user ID and password and start the submission process
Click on the “Login” button in the upper right-hand corner of the browser window, and use your email address and password to access the site.
If you remember the email address but not the password, click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts to reset your password.
As part of your login procedure, ignore the "Create Artist Portfolio Site" dialog box by clicking on the "no thanks" button. Creating a portfolio has nothing to do with the Montgomery Photo Festival call site.
Check that your user profile information is correct and up to date. If needed, make any changes to your profile.
All users must pay the $25 entry fee. In the Payment Details area, enter your payment method. By default, the “remember” box is checked. We recommend that you uncheck this box.
When your personal profile information is correct and you have entered a payment method, click on the “Update User Profile” button.
Click on the “Add New Submissions” button.
Choose the category for your photograph. List the title of your photograph. If you do not wish to use a title, list it as “Untitled.” List the dimensions of your framed photo. (NOTE: the maximum physical dimension for framed images is 24 inches on the longest side. If you submit work that is larger than 24 inches on the longest side it will be rejected.) List the sale price for your photo. The Montgomery Photo Festival and Stonehenge Gallery will charge 40% commission on sales. Click on the "Submit Entry Details" button.
Click on “Add Attachment.” Browse for your photo or drag and drop it in the window. If you correctly sized the image, the page will show a successful upload and you can click on “Complete and View Entry.” If your entry process "freezes" on you, check the size of your image. Remember: .jpg format; 72 ppi; minimum length on the longest side, 960 pixels; maximum length on the longest side, 4800 pixels; maximum file size must be under 4 MB. If your image is too small or too large ArtCall will not let you upload it.
You may add two more submissions (photograhs). The limit is three submissions.
You will receive email notification of your registration for each of your submissions. Note: If you expect email from us and have not received it, check the spam folder in your email program. You may have to change your email setting so that it recognizes, trusts, and accepts email from ArtCall.
To edit an entry
You may edit an entry up to the closing date of the call. On the "My Submissions" page, click on the yellow “Edit” button to the right of the photograph. If you wish to delete an entry and replace it with another, DO NOT DELETE with the trash can icon listed under the "Actions" column. Click on the EDIT button under the Actions column and change all the submission details to the new piece. After you update the details you will land back on the submissions page. Under the "Attachments" column click on the trash icon to delete the image of the old piece. Click OK in the warning window and use the "complete pending actions item" prompt window to upload a new image.
Register and Apply Here!
To meet our sponsors see the "Sponsors" tab. This program/project has been made possible in part by grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. A sincere thank you to all our sponsors for their support! Please help support our sponsors by visiting their websites!